Executive Board
President: Andrew Herlich, DMD, MD, FAAP, FASA, FAAOMS(H)
Dr. Herlich is Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. His professional interests have included anesthesia for head and neck surgeries, pediatric anesthesiology, and the science of resuscitation.
Vice President: Robin Rohrer, PhD
Dr. Rohrer is Professor of History at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA. Since 2001 her research interests have been in the development of treatment in pediatric oncology, epidemiological studies of causation, and the impact of late effects on survivors and families. She teaches courses on History of Western Medicine 1 and 2, American Medicine and Cultures, and Race and Medicine.
Secretary: Kristen Ann Ehrenberger, MD, PhD
Dr. Ehrenberger is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and of Pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a historian of medicine and public health in modern Europe and North America with interests in Germany, nutrition, and the body. She directs the Progressive Evaluation & Referral Center (PERC).
Treasurer: Adam Davis, BS, MA
Professor Davis is Professor of Biology at the Community College of Allegheny County, an Adjunct Instructor of History at Duquesne University, and an Instructor in the Osher Lifelong Learning Program at the University of Pittsburgh. He is President Emeritus and an Executive Board member of the Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science.
Public Health Liaison: David Finegold
Professor Emeritus of Human Genetics Finegold earned his MD at the University of Pittsburgh, did residency at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, and had fellowships at the George S. Cox Medical Research Institute, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. His research focused on lymphedema, type 1 diabetes, and biomolecular sensore.
Medical Student Liaison: Kendall Curtis, BS
Kendall is a medical student at the University of Pittsburgh who majored in neuroscience and minored in psychology and chemistry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. For a gap year she worked as the clinical research coordinator for a Multiple Sclerosis study at UAB. Now she is in the Physician Scientist Training Program here at Pitt. She loves to read, and highly recommends The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons by Sam Kean.
Public Health Student Liaison: Kaitlin Sweeney, BS
Kaitlin is an MPH student at the University of Pittsburgh Behavioral and Community Health Sciences Department. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in rehabilitation science. She has experience as rehab aid in a variety of settings. Because the histories of public health and medicine are so closely intertwined, she believes wholeheartedly in multidisciplinary approaches to improving health.
Member at Large: John Zanardelli, MPH
John Zanardelli's career in healthcare was sparked while working as an orderly at Monongahela Memorial Hospital in the late sixties and early seventies. He has worked in Epidemiological Research, taught graduate classes in Health Administration, mentored students, and held high level positions in Health Administration. He is retired from UPMC, where he was Executive Consultant in the International Division and worked on projects involving Ireland and China.
Member at Large: Judy Erlen, RN, PhD
Dr. Erlen is a Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Her research has looked at nurse-delivered health interventions for a variety of conditions. She has served in numerous leadership positions and has received many awards for her research and mentoring. Dr. Erlen is a Fellow of American Academy of Nursing.
Member Emeritus: Bernard D. Goldstein, MD
Dr. Goldstein is Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Board certified in Internal Medicine and Hematology, his career in toxicology and environmental health had included positions at the National Academy of Medicine, the Environmental Protection Agency, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations. He is a past President of the Society.
Member in Honorarium: John Erlen, PhD
Professor Erlen was Curator of the History of Medicine Collection of the Falk Library at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. As Adjunct Assistant Professor, he taught history of medicine on the undergraduate, graduate, and health sciences campuses of the University of Pittsburgh. He served on the American Osler Society's Board of Governors from 2012-2022. He was Secretary/Treasurer of the Reynolds Society for almost 40 years.
You can reach us at cfreynoldsmhs@gmail.com, or on Facebook or Twitter/X (@cfrmedhistory).